Online since 2005, ❤ Peace MU ❤ and ❤ MuWar ❤ Online seeks to give the best to lovers of this fabulous MMORPG-style adventure game. We invite you to discover a old best (S6E3) MU world, but a new features and community. Experience on server changes every day, and depends on players. Experience variation range is from 200x till 3000x and depends on play style. Item and zen drop is low.
Whichever destination you choose, in ⚡ ⚡ we will always be accompanying you and giving you the support you need in your new adventures.
From MuPeace and MuWar Team - New Perspectives on MuOnline Concepts
[Season 6 Episode 3] [Mid Rate] [Drop 20] [FREE SETS!] [#1 RULE - NO VIP AND NO PAY2PLAY] [Castle Siege On] [24-7 Support] [Newly Up Server] [FREE Wings] [BALANCED PVP] [Active Admins] [Friendly Community] [WebZen Shop] [Vote Reward] [Auto Reconnect System] [Dedicated Server] [NO-LAG] [STRONG ANTI-CHEAT] MUCH MORE, JOIN US
Be The first who make great community and leadership in server. Server today was OPENED for final tuning, like RF balance and some additional drops. If You wish, you can join TODAY, and got free Wcoin and Stat bonuses. If found any bug, we reward You. Also reward got old MUWAR players. This server all trading and market based on Zen, not credits and not donations. Server is total Free 4 play. No hidden deals. On server we make 5 lvl of wing system, lot of new custom items more than 1000+, new quest systems, new mobs, Hero City (only strong players come and rush here). Very good spots and total new Arena. This is unique project and we have 15+ years experience to host and support online 24/7 servers. Server is high level security (SSL, encryption, CAPTCHA, strong password, e-mail authorization, Facebook powered, anti cheat, anti DDOS, and lot of more) and tuned special for fantastic game play in MU world.
Important! Staying home is the best way to protect yourself and others from COVID-19. 😷